Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies

Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies

Director of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies


Nataliia Fedorchuk
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor 

Field of activity: receiving visitors and providing consultations; organizing files and accepting documents of postgraduate and doctoral studies applicants; monitoring the postgraduate and doctoral students’ education; managing the department activities.

Department Specialist


Liudmyla Dranus

Field of activity: receiving visitors and providing consultations on postgraduate studies; organizing files and accepting applicants’ documents; monitoring the applicants’ educational activity; arranging Exam Sessions.


Department activities

Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies is responsible for postgraduate and doctoral studies admission, arranging, accounting and monitoring the applicants’ educational activity.

The  Department operates following the “Regulation on the Training of Academic Personnel”, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 309 dated March 1, 1999; the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”; the “Regulation on Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies at the HEI "Podillia State University"; the “Charter of the  HEI "Podillia State University" and other regulatory documents of the university.

Functional responsibilities of the Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies include:

  • providing consultations on admission to postgraduate and doctoral studies and placing applicants on attachment;
  • ordering, on behalf of the university, state-funded places for postgraduate and doctoral studies;
  • accepting applications for postgraduate and doctoral studies admission;
  • coordinating Exam Sessions;
  • issuing orders regulating the activities of postgraduate and doctoral students;
  • issuing necessary documents confirming completion of postgraduate and doctoral studies.

 Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies at the HEI «Podillia State University»  are carried out in the following specialties

Doctor of Philosophy:
201 «Agronomy»;
015 «Vocational Education»;
073 «Management»;
051 «Economics»;
204 «Livestock Production and Processing Technologies of Animal Products»;
211 «Veterinary Medicine».

Doctor of Sciences:
201 «Agronomy»;
073 «Management»;
051 «Economics».